Founder Name: Brian Platz
Designation: CEO and Co founder

About Fluree

Fluree has developed a hybrid database management platform providing zero-trust and zero-integration capabilities. The company has been developing an open-source semantic graph database that guarantees data integrity, facilitates secure data sharing, and powers data-driven insights. By offering security, analytics, and data sharing – functions traditionally spread across middleware in a legacy three-tier stack – Fluree simplifies data management into one data-centric layer.

Augment Ventures partnered with Fluree to help transform enterprise data silos into strategic data networks. With their guidance, we've established and maintained a clear position as a key player in the emerging data management market, with multiple global Fortune 500 customers and more than one hundred thousand downloads of our software. It is exceptionally rare to work with a venture partner like Augment that offers genuine and lasting strategic value to its portfolio companies from day one. Right from the outset, Augment Ventures' well-connected team provided Fluree with three critical introductions to their network alongside insightful guidance that has significantly shaped our vision and approach to the data management market. We are so grateful to Augment for their collaboration and commitment to our organization's success.
-Brian Platz

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